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+98 21 8276
+98 9028308466


No2, 12th Alley North Golafshan St. Dadman Blvd. Shahrak-e-Gharb 1469783773 Tehran Iran
T: +98 21 88567100
Email: export@Rahmanigroup.Com

Europe Sales Office

Via F. Turati 3, 20121 Milano Italy
T: +39 02 56568666 eusales@rahmanigroup.com

Mani Primary Factory

Kilometer 2, Bonab Road,
East Azerbaijan, 

Iran Sales & Distribution Office

No. 3, 6th Street, Abidi Boulevard, Kilometer 8, Special Road, Tehran, Iran

kariz juice factory

International Factory of Mani Asia Group, Industrial Town No. 1, Zanjan, Iran

How long has Rahmani Group been in business?

Rahmani Group has a rich history dating back to 1877. We have been dedicated to providing high-quality products and exceptional service to our customers for 147 years.

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